Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So I am so excited,we are finally getting part of our basement done. They started sheet rocking Yesterday and got it delivered and all hung. Today they are suppose to mud and tape and hopefully have it done by next week. I got some paint that I really like.. I am no good at painting though, I might need my Dad to come over and help me. We are doing the two toned kind of how our house is upstairs in some of the rooms. I decided on a light beige and a chocolate brown. I hope they look good together. After the painting then the base boards and then the flooring. We want to do a little kitchen area down there but can't afford the cabinets right now so we are just going to tile that part of the room and then carpet the other part. It is amazing how much smaller the room looks when there are walls up. I am excited to have an extra room though and it will be our T.V. room, which will take some time to get use to. I am so use to eating right in front of the T.V. and now if I want to I will have to go all the way down stairs. I am excited for it to be done Yeah!